Dear Shailesh,
It's your day buddy. We have been friends for almost a decade now and I know I have never posted a card in your name but I haven't forgotten it you see.
From the days of our innocence to those of the brushes with our crushes, misses and fixes of my love life and yours and the blogging and slogging that's been happening, I am glad its charm has never waned with time or with familiarity. Inspite of the changes in our addresses and phone numbers, we have found time to always catch up where we left.
Thanks for being there to catch my fall, to help me realise that it's ok to whine for hours about the bad world and the bad guys, it's ok to think that I am the right girl around and people are just wrong. It's ok for me to hog and still eat from your share. It's ok to brey my favourite tunes, to listen to the stories of a book or a movie I missed or to share the tales of my man-hunt even when it is an STD or an ISD call.
I know nobody can take so many lies in one day. So, let me stop here. See, I dedicated a post to you. Stop complaining.
Wishing you lots of love and laughs and many happy returns of the day!
KentuckyFriedChicken doesn't taste the same without you :-)
So was numbing. Truly silently eloquent.
Many happy returns to dear 'ol Shailesh:
You dont know me yet(after this comment,definitely "yes") but just thought if I wish you rightfully maybe I can also get my share of the cake and the KFC's crispies doubled up with a chilled pepsi...Maybe a triple sundae ...and maybe.....
Anyway, wish you happiness always.
Hey Romi & shailu,
Its never too late to say what you feel inside.So go ahead and find out if KFC tastes the same when both of you are together.
Beautifully written letter. Everyone wishes to get such a letter from a friend. I am yet to receive one. Lucky guy, Shailesh. Probably, he is lucky as well.
It was a good reading :-)
Congratulation Arunima! So your man-hunt is over. You decided on Shailu. Shailu, lucky man.
Ya Shailesh ur a lucky gut - I'm all red with jealousy now!
Shouldnt it be green ?
hiya handa - I'm red with jealousy becoz I'm angry and jealous combined! aren't u??
I pity you Prasana. You are also in the list... Don't worry, you are not the only one...
Pity? Why do u pity me "ANONYMOUS" ??? And what list are u talking about? A hit-list?? Are all the angry/jealous guys getting "offed" by you? U sound like a contract-killer!
Sweetie,Where are you in all this? Dont tell me you are in Amavashya mode?
She is no more posting...she has over her man hunt exercise...enjoy!!!
Dear Prasanna, I mean you are in the off list...:)
thanks a lot guys for your comments. I will be back soon. Office got shifted.
Let me strike a deal with Shailesh. hoping he doesn't go underground:-)
Anonymous, whats your name?
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